Cannabinoid Quality Concerns

Quality Concerns: Caution About CBD Claims 

With all the positive health attention CBD has been receiving, many CBD companies are exaggerating its perceived benefits and are making unsupported claims about their products. It is essential to be aware that although there are several suspected health benefits of CBD, there is still more research to be done to prove many of these health claims. When selecting a CBD product, is it important to ensure it is a safe and third-party tested product so that you can be confident that it lives up to its claims.  

Safety and Side Effects  

There is currently very little knowledge about the dosage of CBD needed to experience health benefits, and how much CBD is safe to consume. Some people have reported adverse side effects such as nausea, fatigue, and irritability from consuming too much CBD.  Since most CBD products are considered health supplements, they are not controlled by any regulatory body. When selecting a CBD product, it is crucial to ensure that the company is safe, reputable and that the product was third-party tested for any claims stated on the label.  

CBD Products 

There is a variety of CBD containing products on the market today, including oils, tinctures, capsules, creams, edibles, and vapes. This wide range of options makes it easy to find a product that fits your needs and preferences. Edibles are one of the most popular products as they are tasty and easy to consume. Topicals are generally used to relieve muscle and joint pain, while oils and vapes are used to experience faster effects. No matter which type of product you use, ensure that it is a safe and trusted brand so that you can be confident in what you are consuming.